Here are some shots of the garden today – or I should say, the some of the bigger plants… the ground level has lots of different color violets, a few hundred Lily of the Valley scattered about, and even many of the weeds have sweet little flowers on them. I just had to include Red Emperor flowers that blew off in one of our wind storms and landed on the mossy ground. I thought it looked so cool… too pretty to walk on… I had to step over them.
Pink Perfection is still in bloom!
And now the azaleas… First, the Meditation Gardens: The old and now the
azaleas are old enough to start blooming in the New Meditation Garden:
Moving to the back yard:
Thanks for taking this little stroll thru my garden. it has been a lot of work, but oh what a joy to see. Azaleas in every direction. I am so happy the newest azaleas are starting to bloom… I only wish the deer hadn’t eaten so many of them almost down to the ground. My yard, especially the Meditation Garden, is open to a number of people, but not the public as such. I often see a car parked in my turnaround space and see someone sitting on the Buddha Bench in the new Meditation garden. That makes it all worthwhile.
And sorry for the lousy layout - Blogger screws up yet again!