We are still cleaning up a bit from Hanna. The week started out with the truck, chain saws and the big chipper parked out front. Fortunately they only had to cut the power off for a few hours on Sunday, and then not at all on Monday. Watching them work was fascinating. Or should I say, watching them NOT work. Now, one guy (out of 4) did work on Sunday. Well, OK, one guy went up in his bucket and cut the wires – that took about 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes to reconnect them.
Monday was almost as interesting. They drove by the house at 6:45 AM and parked in the field road next to my property. There they sat. I could hear them talking. The one guy whistles all the time, so that was easy to hear. They drank their morning coffee, had a couple cigarettes (easy enough to smell) and gabbed about “stuff.” Around 7:30, they walked thru the yard and looked around, picking up the occasional branch and piling it near the edge of the road. Around 8 they moved the truck so CSM could get in the bucket and cut more tree down. That took about a half an hour. The other dude shoved a few branches in the chipper. They left before 9 to go get more coffee. They came back and parked in the field again, eating pastry, drinking coffee, joking about football, and smoking. Around 10:30, they pulled the truck back out front and finished chipping the branches.
Now, as one neighbor said, it was good I was not paying them by the hour – but, I pointed out – essentially, I was! Even though they are paid by the power company, I pay the power company, and their salaries come out of what we all pay. So both my neighbor and I were paying these guys for 6 hours work. My neighbor’s grin turned to a frown when he thought about that and realized I was right! They worked about one hour and billed 6. Plus, CSM totaled 2 saws the day before. And if you get your power from the same company, you paid for it, too. If you are with another company, you wanna bet it doesn’t happen where you live????? And they got paid double for Sunday.
Didja ever drive by a road crew with 5 supervisors and one worker and a “flagperson?” now I can hardly blame them when it is 100 degrees out there on that hot road, but this is year round. This is not just road crews or power people. And, yeah, the guy who did nothing had to be there. I mean if CSM killed himself, somebody needed to call 911, right? And it coulda happened! He didn’t seem too bright.
So, now I have several piles of logs and one huge tree trunk laying out front.
Ha ha... that would have been funny... but it is the truth. We had a crew come and cut some trees for us. One person did most of the work, stacking, racking, etc. I'm sure the one who did the most work is the one who was paid the lowest wage. We paid a set amout to have the work done, and it wasn't cheap!
If i lived near by I would gladly come and cut up your wood. I just bought a new chainsaw and it needs a workout. (I will be cutting more wood for the Winter). You shouldtry to find someone to come and cut the wood who will do it for free if they can keep the firewood.
It sounds like the line crew did not have a qualified forester person in their crew. The probably burned out the saw by putting plain gas in it. A skilled worker would not get his saw pinched in a log under stress.
A line crew needs all tbose people because they may need their efforts in part of their work. It looks more inefficient that it is.
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