Some of us LOVE the fragrances of late spring. Then there are those of us who spend this season with a kleenex in our hands. I am glad I do not fall into that category! As I go out the door, the heavy scent of so many blooming things just hits me. Not far from my back door I have a number of holly trees.
Have you ever smelled a holly tree in bloom?
Awesome. The woods are full of wild blackberries.
And if you look up,
you might notice the blooms on the honey locust trees.
Sweet! I have discovered many people have never seen a fringe tree.
Well, if you ever see one in bloom, go stick your nose in one... well, actually, it is so fragrant, you don't have to even get closer than 10 or 20 feet!
Even my irises are fragrant.
OK, I planted the Iris while most of the rest of the things came up naturally here.
The rambling Rose grows wild around me and in the woods. I found another one yesterday while cutting along the bank on the John Deere. Reminds me of the way roses USED to smell!
One thing you won't find in my yard is Wisteria. It overpowers me. Wisteria and Gardinias... they take my breath away, literally.
The honeysuckle is just starting to open. Soon the world will be bathed in the fragrance of their tiny sweet yellow and white blossoms.
The poor butterflies won't know which way to turn!
And just starting, the magnolia!
Magnificent - or is it Magnifi-scent?
Wow, you have alot of things blooming around you. My Magnolia tree didn't have many blooms this year. I have two irises blooming. I would like to have roses but to many trees in my yard, they don't get enough sun.
A friend for whom English is a second or third language read my post and stopped by to get a close up look at my fringe tree. He commented as walking around the place, "Yes, you have a very smelly place here."
I am still smiling!
I sure wish I could smell your smelly place!! I've never seen a fringe tree, but it looks beautiful.
I used to have one of the roses! My dad killed it with the lawn mower. I'm very jealous.
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