Yep, Rascal is hanging over the computer chair once again. Guess he is waiting for an email from someone!
AND OTHER ODDS AND ENDS... Hadji and his stiff tail -
the result of the flash from taking Rascal's picture on the back of the computer chair. The flash disturbed him, I guess, and he wanted to know what he missed! Sometimes he stands with his front paw up like a Pointer... but by the time I got the camera up to take the shot, his paw was back down.
Thanks for all the interest in the putter bench. Yes, it is my own design, built for my heighth, but most of all, built to withstand hurricanes and Nor'easter winds. I hope. That is why it is so open and also why I used 4x4s for the bottom legs. Wednesday it was used as a potting bench, my friend gave me a flat of petunias,
I potted them up into several pots that are now sitting or hanging around the yard. Thanks, Bobbie!
The cactus is in bloom.
I thought the color was particularly spectacular this morning.
Thanks for visiting my yard!
Rascal certainly looks like he's having a hangover...are you sure he didn't get into the cooking sherry??
Just cat nip, and I grow my own!
Rascal looked quite relaxed and very comfortable in that recliner and isn't that what it's for? The putter bench looked really good covered in flowers!
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