We had a serious soaker rain ... 2.32 inches. It was great, the earth really soaked it up, plants are happy... so I went out with the camera hoping to capture the freshness of the morning, the rain on everything... and I found a few new blooms this morning. First, my favorite, Peace.
Someone gave me these lilies last year, this is their first year blooming.
Someone asked about my blueberries, but the focus on the camera kept getting confused even on manual, sorry. Should have taken the picture before I picked 'em! (duh)
The Caladium suddenly popped thru the ground - SURPRISE!
I am excited about them, haven't had them in years.
The magnolia is still going strong.
Usually I show the Buddhas when they are surrounded by flowers, but I also enjoy their simplicity when all is just green around them. They are a wonderful reminder to me when I start my day to think Peace, Compassion, Do NO Harm. I look longingly at the Adirondacks on the patio, inviting me to dry them off and have a sit down, I smile at all the color that surrounds me, grateful That I can see it all, enjoy it all, live in a space where it can thrive... and I see next to it all, the wheelbarrow, and realize it is time to get back to work. Yeah, it is a place of Serenity and Peace, a yard where the Buddha is comfortable with St Francis, both reminding me to love all creatures... and I am grateful I love working in this space, grateful I am able to keep it going, grateful that I WANT to stay busy and find peace in this busy-ness. I share these pictures as a way of sharing my gratitude with others.
I wish Peace to you all. Come by, I will dry off a chair for you - or chase a little cat. Sit and enjoy the Peace of my Garden.
It is a lovely garden. Every iota of it. I feel the serenity of it all.
That new calla lily is scrumptious. I saw some with pink blooms last year. Wish I'd gotten one. Missed my chance.
Loved visiting your garden tonight. Your post makes me think. So much to be thankful for!!
Peace. Yes. The rose and the concept works for me as well...:)
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