PLAYING POSSUM? OR DEALING WITH THE HEAT? Have you seen that new commercial out where the kids have a "pet" possum... it is on the ground looking dead... the kids whine to their father that their possum is dead... he says, "No, its just playing possum, leave him alone." And then it pops up and hisses at them. I have NO idea what the commercial is trying to sell, I just watch the possum and wait for him to roll over and hiss.

The weather has been horrible lately, as I am sure you are aware. Hot does not even begin to describe the 100 degree plus temps many of us have been experiencing. So if you can't jump in the pool to cool off, how does a tiny animal cool off? Possum Pics are from friend Bobbie... Its all in the posture...
AND, Seems possums aren't the only ones!
Seems my guys cool off the same way. Hadji...

the Rascal...



How do you cool off???????
Animals always know the best ways to cool off and heck with that modesty stuff. My way is to stay indoors and read.
I have seen that possum commercial!! I don't know what they were selling either.
I have just been staying in where it's cool and not getting out unless I have to.
LOL my dog lays around like that too, but she is just lazy! Those possums are so cute. I have seen that commercial and I too, have no idea what they are pushing, I didn't know possums could be pets. Well, not for me. I couldn't stay up all night to play. :)
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