Sunday, July 29, 2012


For several weeks I have had a plethora of dragonflies in my backyard. They follow me around, especially if I am watering the garden. Sometimes I just stand and watch as they dip down to the ground level birdbath, up and down, back and forth. Did you know their wings make a sort of crackling noise as they fly? Maybe it is when they change direction, because it doesn't happen all the time. Today I had 3 of them keep me company. One (a Great Blue Skimmer???) kept resting on a bit of blue sage, but by the time I pushed the button, he was gone. Maybe his blueness blended in real well so that is why he hung out on these branches. The golden winded ones were more skittish, but one fellow finally decided I was not going to hurt him, and he let me get real close. Don't you just love dragon flies? Enjoy!


ancient one said...

I do like dragon flies but with my old camera I have never been able to get a pic of one. The pink house all painted up is used for exactly what you think. It is at a place where boats come in with their catches of the day. I can assure you, it looks much better than it smells. ha ha

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Didn't know about the crackling sounds and will tryntomlisten for that next time I see one.