Tuesday, July 02, 2013


WHAT IF………………. remember the term “truck garden?”  Remember my Stand-uppity garden????? What if I put some garden growing bags in my “new” truck… I could move it around to where there is more sunlight, since my woods is growing back up to the point of having lots of shade…. But if I needed to use the truck for some on the road type activity, have an area where I could slide the garden bags off until I got home again.

LOL! We used to have folks who would park their old beat-up pick-up trucks along the road or on a corner some place, and sell their produce. Well, gee, I could prove how fresh my stuff was, you could pick it right off the vine from the back of my truck! How about that? Freshest Produce on the Shore!  or Guaranteed fresh cuz you get to pick it!

Whaddya think?

 DSC_0055 DSC_0064 Why not?


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You might be the first one on the shore to try this fresh and hand picked produce scheme...why not indeed.

Snowbrush said...

I don't see why not. By garden bags, do you simply mean bags of soil that you buy in stores? I've heard that some people simply cut them open on one side and plant directly into them without emptying the soil.

Ginnie said...

Wow ... the truck is great and I can just see you tooling around town in it. Actually that's a brilliant idea to have a moving garden ... let me know if it pans out and TAKE PICTURES !

possum said...

Snow, they are called, among other things, Gro-bags and can be found on amazon. See pics of them at - http://possumlane.blogspot.com/2013/05/garden-diary-end-of-may-2013.html