Thursday, December 04, 2014

SAD, AIN’T IT? (cuz its true.)

The world is most certainly ruled by a small group of extremely wealthy evil men who desire ever more treasure, supremacy and control, but the vast majority of Americans have stood idly by mesmerized by their iGadgets and believing buying shit they don’t need with money they don’t have is the path to happiness and prosperity, while their wealth, liberty and self-respect were stolen by the financial elite. Our idiot culture, that celebrates reality TV morons, low IQ millionaires playing children’s sports, egomaniacal Hollywood hacks, self-promoting Wall Street financers, and self-serving corrupt ideologue politicians, has been degenerating for decades.

“We are in the process of creating what deserves to be called the idiot culture. Not an idiot sub-culture, which every society has bubbling beneath the surface and which can provide harmless fun; but the culture itself. For the first time, the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our cultural norm, even our cultural ideal.” - Carl Bernstein, 1992


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The truth of our culture reality is very sad and more so than any of the mornic reality shows. Makes me glad for not ever watching TV.

troutbirder said...

I never watch TV either and people sometimes ask me where I find the time to read so many book. They do. No wonder there what you described as the idiot culture....