Thursday, September 27, 2012


OR IS HE?  Punkin and Spook have taken a liking to the veggie growing bags. Are they "vegetating?"
 I guess they are called potato bags, mostly, but I found they were also very useful for growing onions and carrots, too! Once the crop has been harvested, the guys immediately climb on board and take a nap. However, the potatoes are producing their second crop, or what will survive of the second crop as both the little guys try to crowd their little kitty butts in without breaking off the plants. It will be interesting to see what is in that bag when the greenery dies back. Sometimes I think of Horton hatches a What? as he keeps the potato crop warm.

 Punkin and the Carrot Bag.
Tell me, is anyone else having trouble with Blogger and trying to get pictures where you want them? My old link to blogger no longer works, and this is in its place... very frustrating!


ancient one said...

Since I've more or less reduced my pictures to one I don't have a'll get the hang of it eventually.. I hated it at first... but then again, I don't like change..LOL

So did your first crop of potatoes do good in your growing bags?

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Oh, how cats like a container to sleep in. But I am surprised they have not tried to turn these into their personal toilets.

Ginnie said...

Hmmm...these kitties look familiar and I love the way they are "vegetating".

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Cute post about the cats in or out of the bag. As far as blogger issues, I don't know as I never use it for creating a blog post, Microsoft Live Writer is my software of choise and photo placement works well.

troutbirder said...

I just it against my wishes and I hate it. Picture placement is a royal pain....