Tuesday, January 09, 2018


Here are a couple shots from this morning. First is my newest Buddha I got for Christmas and placed temporarily in the new lily bed - that's why the netting is over everything. The deer ate a dozen or so lilies last year - and this bed holds, among other special lilies, Happy-Happy. Can't have that be someone's lunch!
Shot 2 is of the damage done out front from an idiot in his pick-up (I got 4 wheel drive, I can go anywhere!) His anywhere ended when he was almost on his side after he dig his way to the deep drainage hole VDOT dug next to my culvert pipe under my driveway. That is a long way down. God knows what damage has been done to the azaleas out there- the slope from the plants to the road- or I should say to the drainage ditch next to the road - that slope is GONE, roots exposed, etc where he kept backing back hoping to get traction up in my yard. Never happened. Someone had to come and pull him out. This does not show the depth of the tracks his huge tires made.
Maybe he had a good reason for being out in the storm- it was still snowing when he got stuck... our hospital, for example, will send someone, perhaps a state trooper, out to get nurses to cover their shift, but no one is there then to take them home. They are stuck. Not a bad thing for the hospital... you have staff 'on hand' as it were, so husbands had to go get their wives - as one said, if I want any dinner, I gotta go get the cook. Yep, he really said that, followed by a hearty chuckle. I wanted to smack him, but that is another story. Perhaps I need to start another blog called the Bad Buddhist where I can list all my evil thoughts! So, shame on me... anyway, here are a couple more snow pictures!
I still cannot get out thru the snow in the back yard- drifts are too high, and the picture out front- well, it is just too slippery to take a chance.
The snow trucks have been going thru with their plows down pushing the snow and slush and dumping their loads of sand and salt, AND!!!! IT IS 42 DEGREES!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!


troutbirder said...

Not good to see ones carefully tended lawns and flower bed damaged by inept or worse drivers. Still I found your descriptions of these events puckish enough to bring a wry smile to my otherwise concerned face. We're facing a first big snowstorm here tonight and our little house in the woods now part of an emerging suburbia now will face dozens of late drivers tomorrow late and rushing off to work...:(

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sadly, it's true that there are idiots who figure they have a 4-wheel drive and can go anywhere. It's unfortunate that what some lack is commonsense. Sorry to see the damages and hope the flowers will return. Most of our blizzard dumped snow has disappeared within the past couple of days thanks to higher temps and a couple of days of rainfall. Hopefully, things are improving in your area as well, Possum.

Ginnie said...

Hi Possum: I didn't realize that I'd gotten behind on checking your blog. All of them are so interesting. I love the Buddha and can't wait to see how you display him this spring ... if it ever gets here. I'm actually snowed in as I write this & that's very unusual for our area. I'll try to keep a better watch on your entries from here on !!!