Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I was always taught to try to find some joy in every task I had to do. Sometimes it was not easy. Yesterday, I cut the grass. My birdbath is on ground level because it is sometimes the only water some of the critters who live in my little corner can find. So, it needs to be accessible. Unfortunately, it means I need to change the water and clean it out whenever I cut the grass, even if I just cleaned it out the day before. A yucky job for me, but a good thing, really, since I might get lazy about keeping it clean. I got real busy yesterday and kept pushing long after my body was sending me signals to STOP! So when I finally did call it quits, the birdbath was filled with grass cuttings. I remembered it around 2 in the morning, and put it on my mental list of first things to do this morning. I no sooner refilled it than a pretty yellow leaf floated down and landed right in the middle of things. A big old bumble bee hurried in to get a bit of nectar and I stopped to get a look at the beautiful colors surrounding St Francis. And I thought I would share that with you!


ancient one said...

Yes, yes, and it is so pretty!! And I see you still have an impatien peeking out from the other flowers. You have a very pretty little corner of the world!!

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

It is a pretty little miniture glade. Natures beauty is more often in the detail than in the spectacular vistas. It is good to take time to notice.

Janice said...

Beautiful! I love all the colors!

Rachel said...

I'm so glad you did! I keep water for the critters too, and after mowing it has to be changed!

Rhodent said...
