Saturday, December 22, 2007


Yes, contrary to the rumors, I am still here... slowly hobbling along. Welcome to winter... Happy Solstice, and all that good stuff. Look on the bright side - the days will now become longer. Soon we will see the tops of the daffodils poking their little green heads out of the dirt.

I would like to share with you all my current favorite webcam. As some of you remember, I used to live in Maine. I could never decide which was my favorite light house, Pemaquid or Portland Head. ANd then there is Goat Island and Bass and... yeah, I love lighthouses. They are right up there with fog horns and bell bouys. I have a bell bouy bell hanging in the back yard. I will have to see if I can find a picture of it. AH, yes, I found it! It was taken last year in our snow storm... Anyway, I am rambling this morning - this is my Solstice Card to you all. And here is the link to check out the light house as the weather changes.

1 comment:

Granny said...

I'm a little late for Solstice so will just send good wishes for the season.