Thursday, April 28, 2011


PROGRESS! Thanks to the generosity of a couple SPOTS members, we have been able to move forward with a little building repair. DSC_0441 The masons came yesterday and started fixing up the brickwork under the building. I was there when one of the men asked if we knew how old these bricks were. I answered – “1885 – 126 years old.” And I must say they are in pretty good shape for antique bricks! The 2 front corners were not looking so great, but the rest of the bricks were pretty good.DSC_1022

At first I thought Daniel was working alone. Then I saw his father, lying down on the job! LOL!DSC_1023

Progress. Now we pray that we get the grant that will allow us to put on a roof.

Coming up next – Finding One’s Purpose.


troutbirder said...

Progress. It is a good thing. My wife takes care of most of it i.e. as community caretaker and fixer upper,for our two person family, She retired and has the time. I find the time also being retired for my things. Mostly hiking with my dog. Flyfishing. Camping. And birding. I guess my perspective is a little to narrow. :(

Ginnie said...

126 year old bricks! Can't you just imagine them making them by hand and the community effort to go into erecting the building. It's a nice mind picture.