Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I love fog. I know, I have said that before, and I always amend it with - as long as I don't have to drive in it. One of my favorite sounds is the sound of the fog horn. I used to love to listen to the fog horn as I fell asleep when I lived on Peaks Island in Casco Bay - Portland, Maine. Fog seems to eat up all other sounds, everything sounds different if you can hear it at all. Muted.

This is a picture from the webcam on Cushings Island, also in Casco Bay. When I check out the webcam, I can smell the salt air, the seaweed at low tide, and hear the fog horn.

OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo. Can you hear it when you look at this picture?


Janice said...

You are so descriptive in this post, I think I can hear and smell all of the coast sounds too! Thankfully we live an hour from the west coast, so those treats to the sensations are a reality once in a while.

Janice said...

I meant 'treats to the senses'....

Rachel said...

Yes... I believe I almost can!!

I sure don't like driving in it either, especially on a road I'm not used to.

Unknown said...

I can hear it! And like Janice, I can also smell it. I'm planted on the left coast, so we get fog all the time. One year every day in December was fog laden, no fun to drive in as we couldn't see more than 20 feet in front of us.

BTW...love your screen name! I'm a possum fan (more so than racoons!)

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

The closest I ever came to a religious experience was in a fog rising over a fresh water lake, not horn, just enveloping silence!